MOMI has the ability to store history. This feature is activated by enabling it in the CONFMOMI file. By defining a history file, MOMI will automatically create and begin recording predetermined history information.
Up to four history files may be created. These are referred to as HST01DB -> HST04DB. History is initially written to HST01DB and then consolidated into the other files at different intervals. This gives the User the ability to maintain high resolution history for a short period of time and lower resolution history for a longer period of time.
The line to define each history file name (HSTnnDB) is the only line required. Other history attributes all have default values.
History is configured on the Tandem as follows:
1. Determine the disk volume(s) where the history files are to reside.
2. Edit CONFMOMI and un-comment out or add the following lines:
HST01DB $vol.subvol.hst01db == MOMI history database
HST01DB-DELETE-TIME 8 == Keep history 8 days
== Dump history every
HST01DB-HISTORY-DUMP 120 == 120 seconds
3. Repeat step two for HST02DB -> HST04DB.
4. Start (or restart) MOMI via the OBYMOMI file.